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What is a wholesale market ?

The wholesale market, also called the station market, is a market that implements the so-called wholesale trade practice. By definition, wholesale trade is a professional activity that connects producers to distributors, and further to consumers. Between the two, the wholesaler is at the heart of this chain, acting as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the retailer. The wholesale market is therefore structured around wholesalers, half-wholesalers or semi-wholesalers. It is also an important supply point for food and catering trades.

Within the wholesale market, the wholesaler fulfills several very important functions. As a sales representative, he feeds the market and updates the product inventory. At the logistics level, he takes care of the standardization of prices, from offer to delivery. The wholesaler also manages the conformity of the goods in terms of standards, calibration, origin, designations, freshness, etc.

More choice and quality in products

​The wholesale market brings together all offers and requests for a given product in one place. This has the advantage that it is easier to regulate and control the price of each product. As all goods are already concentrated at one point, transport and handling costs are also greatly reduced. Prices from the wholesale market are then more affordable, which is one of the desired goals.

Bien évidemment, comme il est un point névralgique et centralisé, le marché de gros propose une offre plus large de produits, mais aussi de niveaux de qualité. Il est aussi la garantie d'un engagement de la part de ceux qui l'animent. En effet, pour satisfaire les professionnels que sont leurs clients, les grossistes utilisent des technologies plus sûres pour le stockage et la protection des produits. Les marchandises sont stockées dans de meilleures conditions d'hygiène générale. Tout cela est un gage supplémentaire de qualité. Il faut aussi que les produits soient de toute fraîcheur, puisque, pour un certain nombre de clients, il faudra encore conduire ces produits jusqu'au commerce de détail pour les y vendre.

What is a National Interest Market ?

A market of national interest is a separate branch of the wholesale market. This is a special status created in 1953, allowing public services to delegate the management of the wholesale market. It is then the public domains of the State, the local authorities or even a private domain that can benefit from it. Management is said to be in management when it concerns communities. 

The wholesale markets are fully in line with the changes in our food model which devote greater importance to local, safe and sustainable food. They are the guarantors of an economic circuit that preserves the richness of French agriculture, the diversity of its cultures and its soils. 

The role of the Federation of Wholesale Markets in France

The federation of wholesale markets in France is a professional association that brings together all the national interest markets and some wholesale markets in France. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the network national interest markets and to the coordination between these different markets, in close liaison with the ministries supervising the markets.

Wholesale markets play a central role in land use planning in France, which deserves to be better known and recognized. Wholesale markets promote the organization of urban logistics, ensure the sustainability of local trade by ensuring a diversified and quality supply, centralize and promote regional and local production and finally act in favor of sustainable development.

Organisation chart of the federation

Jean-Jacques Bolzan, President  

Frédérique Wagon, Secretary general

Stéphane Layani, Treasurer 

Béatrice Léry, Assistant to Madam Wagon

Nicolas Barthe, Vice-président en charge de la représentation logistique urbaine durable

Marcel Martel, Vice-président en charge de la représentation circuits courts production locale

Benoît Mathieu, Vice-président en charge de la représentation  digitalisation et de l'innovation

Salima Djidel, Vice-présidente en charge de la représentation restauration collective

Claude Mellier, Vice-présidente en charge de la représentation gaspillage et aide alimentaire